And so the day has finally arrived. Today I am marking my 40th lap of the sun (and I've never even owned running shoes). In the last few weeks I've completed challenges 26 and 28 which brings the measly total that I've completed to just 25.
Pretty rubbish eh? Well, I'd have to disagree with you there. 2 years ago I'd never been to Rome, drunk Tequila, watched the Godfather, cooked a souffle... I could go on. The point is that doing these challenges has brought me so many new experiences and even new friendships. It's provided me with so much fun; pushed me out of my comfort zone... I went to the Eurovision Song Contest for goodness sake! But I've said much of this in my last post (have a read if you've not already).
So the real question today on my 40th birthday... the day this was all meant to end is... what next?
Do I carry on and try to achieve the final 15? Do I add another 10 and make it 50b450? Do I set myself a whole new set of challenges for 50?
*50 countries before I'm 50 (I've done 23 so far... I checked)
*50 IKEAs before 50 (I've been to 12 UK and 4 International ones so far... don't ask)
*Get Fit Forties - A fitness challenge for every year of my forties
*50 Landmarks before 50
I could go on... I'd love to do the first two and last one but realistically I doubt I could afford to and I genuinely considered the third one until I remembered that I hate exercise and am intrinsically lazy!
So what then?
I actually don't know! What do you think?
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