Tuesday, 4 March 2014

You Raise Me Up

A few months ago I attempted to make a cheese souffle - I left the decision to you whether it was successful or not and you unanimously voted it a fail. So today I thought I'd try the chocolate equivalent. Following this recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/easy-chocolate-souffl-s-474778 I gathered my ingredients and had a bash. 

It's fair to say that I don't have the best cooking genes. When we first got a microwave my mum decided to cook a spotted dick, not realising they cooked from the inside out she put it back in to cook several times until it looked like an oven cooked one. Unfortunately it took a drill to get through it (I seem to think the chisel broke) and weeks hanging up outside before the birds would eat it - I always have images of birds flying away with bent beaks but that bit was definitely in my imagination rather than memory. That's not to say that my mum is a bad cook but I don't think either of us are going to be appearing on Masterchef any time soon. 

My chocolate souffle was meant to look like this:

Mine look like this:

and this:

So what do you think? Have I successfully cooked a souffle this time? 

What do you reckon? Can I cross of the challenge or is this another Spotted Dick incident?