Sunday, 9 September 2012

No, Woe, Woo: Which one are you?

Welcome to my blog and Happy Birthday to me! There are three different approaches to getting older. There are the No-ers: People in denial of their aging, these are the ones who lie about their age or just avoid telling you how old they are. Then there are the woe-ers: These are the people who get miserable about their birthdays; lamenting and moaning. They refuse to let you throw parties for them and are generally miserable bods. I however fall in to category 3…the Woo-ers. We are the annoying ones who get excited by our birthdays; we throw ourselves parties; happily announce to everyone how old we are (yes, I will be that old lady who says “I’m 89 you know!”) and clearly we like to set ourselves ridiculous challenges that centre around our special day!

So today is day 1 of my 40b440 challenge and I feel I should start it by tackling something on the list straight away. As I’m not in Rome the Trevi fountain is out straight away and as I have birthday plans it needs to be something small today. One of my birthday gifts was a window box so number 21 looks like a good place to start. Now, some people have green fingers and are naturally good with all things botanical: I am not that person! Plants tend to die within weeks of me owning them. The idea of growing one from scratch is not as simple as one would expect (with my black fingers involved) but hey where’s the fun without the challenge eh?!

Obviously I’ll bring you some updates and photos along the way but if you have any suggestions or questions for me on this or any of my fabulous 40 then fire away. I’m hoping this blog will be a pretty interactive thing so all comments welcome. Now go get your party hat and let’s celebrate! 

Here's a little photo update:


  1. Liz my darling, congratulations on both your birthday and such an awesome list ! What a great idea :)

    Good luck with the "grow something" start....

    I have those exact balcony trays for my plants, and passing on a bit of green fingered wisdom, if your balcony is suspetable to the elements, drill holes in the bottom of the planter before you fill it up. Most of them have their own watering systems but they don`t take in to account "over watering" and as such if it rains for a while or you have a massive down pour you`ll find the planters fill up really quickly and there is no where for the water to drain away to. Ultimately you end up killing your plants, and well, that wouldn`t be a very good start to the 40b440 now would it !?!?! ;)

    Have a wonderful day of celebrations xx

  2. Brilliant tip Tracey-Ann thank you! I would never have thought of that.

  3. Liz, nice idea. Look forward to reading your progress. Enjoy!
