If there's a lot on your mind it's there to help you forget,To relax and rewind and leave behind the regret,First sip makes you well before you know it it's time,And you're saying to hell with the salt, lemon and lime,Salt, lemon and lime, time Tequila,
That's the curse of Tequila.....
(Terrorvision, Tequila)
It may seem strange to you that I could have reached the age of 38 and never have tried Tequila but the truth is that I am one of those people who is full to the brim of common sense. This has been both a blessing and a curse in my life. I recall being a teenager and a friend's mum going round the group saying: "Vera, you're so pretty; Elsie you're so glamorous; Liz, you have so much common sense". Not what you want to hear really but I guess it was true. It's for this reason alone that I've never been drawn to trying Tequila. Clearly it's the sort of substance that fools people into thinking they're fine and then BAM! I've never wanted to be locked in a small room with Jedward and Jar Jar Binks...and I've always suspected that a Tequila hangover may well feel like this.
So it was with a certain trepidation that last night I faced the challenge of trying Tequila. My team mates in this challenge were some trusted old chums: Sally (who kindly donated the Tequila...complete with tiny Sombrero lid and took the photos); Lucy and Doug.
We wanted to do it properly so we squeezed a little lime on the back of hands, applied the salt and prepared ourselves for the potential horror. As it turned out only Sally had tried it before...and she had declared she wouldn't be doing it tonight. This did not speak well for the challenge.
We prepared ourselves and on the countdown of three licked the salt, downed the shot and sucked our lime.
We'd done it! Challenge 2 of 40 complete. Easy as! It is an odd flavour and experience but was surprisingly fine.
Needless to say my common sense kicked in at this point and whilst Lucy and Doug went back for more...
I happily declared that I'd achieved it and wore my tiny sombrero with pride.
On to the next challenge then. Hopefully I have a week off work soon so I'm hoping to complete at least 3 that week. (If anyone has the Star Wars films or the Godfather Trilogy and can lend them to me that would be a great help).
To give you a little progress on some of the ongoing challenges: it's good news and bad news. I've now walked 9 miles of the Cheshire Ring (volunteer companions still very welcome) which is good (just 88 miles to go). The bad news though is my plant growing. When I last posted a picture it was all going so well, but the frost was due so I brought the window box inside and things have gone down hill ever since. Whilst the Marigold's have flourished the Morning Glory is virtually dead and the nasturtiums are a few days away from extinction. My claim was that I couldn't cross off the "grow something" challenge until one of them had flowered. This is looking less likely by the week. Will I manage to turn things round? Probably not!